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Léon Montès at "work"

Léon Montès at “work”


Montes exhibiting some of his material

Montes exhibiting some of his material at exhibit in Haiti


This section will cover the unique sheets and large blocs from the Léon Montès Collection that started around 1904, and was augmented by judge Montès for half a century until the 1950s. Images and information will be added as these items are publicly offered. It should be noted that it is the first time that they will be seen since Montès exhibited some of them in Haiti around 1950, and the first time the public will be able to purchase them since 1914/1920. Many of these items were on display in Montès’ Silver Medal winning exhibit in New York City in May 1936.  It was the first such display of Haitian philatelic material in the world.

All the sheets were purchased by Montès at the post offices in Port-au-Prince.


Scott 302 — purchased in February 1920. Surcharges were applied on 410 sheets. This is the only known/reported full sheet. Interesting that Montès wrote “Rare” himself on the sheet! It is perf. 14. 

Other catalog numbers:  Gibbons no. 285, Michel no. 220, Yvert no. 240



Scott 303 — purchased in February 1920. Only 40 sheets were surcharged. This is the only known/reported full sheet. It is perf. 14.

Other catalog numbers:  Gibbons no. 286, Michel no. 221, Yvert no. 241



Scott 305 — purchased in March 1920. Only 17 sheets were surcharged. Only 2 sheets had missing surcharges. This is the only known surviving section of these two sheets with the missing surcharge. The post office run out of them in just 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Other catalog numbers:  Gibbons no. 291, Michel no. 237, Yvert no. 244




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